Sunday, January 25, 2015

Hey Guys! We are going on to the 3rd lesson on!! The 3rd lesson is on partial sum. I will be posting two videos on partial sum! To give you a base on what partial sum is here is what it is. Partial sum is a addition solution so that when you come across a addition problem you are not struggling to find the answer. So I will give you a small problem for partial sum so you can get an idea of what it looks like. For example 38+67=? partial sum is a huge helper because when you do it you break the problem down so it is easier to get the answer. So the first thing you would do is 30+60=90 and you would write under the problem 90. Then you would solve 8+7=15. The last part is adding the two sum's toghether so in this case we would add 90+15=105.So the answer for this problem is 105. Make sure that when you do partial sum you show your work. Only half of the credit is from getting the correct answer the other half is showing your work. You did a great job!!! Make sure to watch both partial sum videos they will give you more information on partial sum. Also make sure to check out the two math words of the week. I will post them every Tuesday. Good job! Have a great week!!!!

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